TheSoul Publishing

What more exposure do you have with Crunch base Outreach integration?

How many times have you picked up the phone, only to forget who you were calling and where they worked by the 41st call? Worse, you had their company’s website open but it got buried in a wave of 25+ active Chrome windows, each with ten tabs? Can you locate the one webpage you want within the first few seconds once your client answers the phone? When you combine the capability of Outreach with Crunchbase, you get a full view of the companies you’re interested in. Right where you work, you can get up-to-date information about fundraising events, donors, the current events, and also more.

Smart Circle works with its clients to create a tailored face-to-face sales and marketing strategy and connects them with a large network of independent sales organisations that provide in-person sales and marketing services. Smart Circle which was founded by a successful entrepreneur, encourages itself to make bold and unwise decisions, focusing on instilling an entrepreneurial mindset in every group member.

Smart Circle

From Crunchbase

Crunch base is the most popular platform for secret prospecting and research. Crunchbase is used by over 1.2 billion people to find company’s new prospects, including sales, founders, capitalists, and marketing managers. So it is trusted by enterprises all across the world to power our apps, with over 250 million System calls per year. When individuals engage face to face, magic happens, and it’s the superpower that propels many companies forward. Despite fast technological improvements and a shift toward a more remote economy, businesses continue to seek out opportunities to conduct face to face marketing campaigns due to the great value smart circle provide.

SCI team members take chances and wager on themselves and their model, with clients only paying if the campaign is successful. Smart Circle has built a strong belief in its capacity to create successful campaigns, and the business expects all of them to do so. Every step of the way, the SCI team is on top of the campaign. Team members are nimble and agile when something isn’t functioning. They can re-strategize and refocus at any point during a campaign if necessary.

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